Meet The Artist

My journey with painting has been a lifelong love found in high school then lost and then found again. With a background in photography (both wedding and commercial) and a degree in marketing/design, it's only natural that I would find my way back into the world of painting.

My return to painting came after an unanticipated turn of events in my life in 2016 when my husband's career took us on an unexpected path. After a lifetime in the South, we moved across the country from Birmingham, Alabama to the stunning landscapes of Laguna Beach, California.

I found myself in the situation of having to start anew. While the coastal beauty was undeniable, the move meant leaving behind friends and family, prompting a period of reinvention.

In this time of change, I immersed myself completely into painting. This deep dive blossomed into a passionate and enduring love affair with the canvas. I have traveled the country studying under several very accomplished and talented artists ever defining my painting style.

Though I spend a lot of my time still in the South, as well as, the west coast, I feel blessed to interact with influences in the design world throughout the country that keep me abreast of the latest trends.

My work has grown and evolved over the years and my focus has been creating a fresher modern look that will mix and complement the more traditional interior, as well as modern decor. Every piece of art has its own story to tell. I strive to capture the world not as it appears, but as I imagine it should be perceived.

Thank you for visiting with me and I hope that you find something that inspires you.

